
20 September 2023

analytics4energy keep 40+ leisure centres fighting fit

Today we are celebrating National Fitness Day 2023. 4energy group and in particular, analytics4energy has very strong links with the fitness and leisure industry.

We have worked with Parkwood Leisure, 1Life, Leisure SK, 3d leisure, Fitness4less, Sandwell Leisure Trust, The Thames Club and The Marlow Club, in over 40+ leisure centres.

Our work with these organisations has included our highly effective Energy Reduction Contracts which have enabled their centres to save energy, reduce carbon emissions, maximise comfort and minimise costs. We have also assisted them with PFI life cycle works, planned preventative maintenance, bureau services and upgrades. And last, but not least, we have supported them utilising our powerful in-house platforms halo and livesight to ensure maximum energy efficiency.

Please get in touch to find out how we can help your building, campus, site, or property portfolio get fighting fit.