
22 May 2024

System Five win contract at Sony Music HQ in Kings Cross

System Five are proud to have been selected by JCA Engineering to be the incumbent service and maintenance provider for Sony Music’s offices at 2 Canal Reach in Kings Cross, London.  

The offices, which opened at the end of 2022, were created by award-winning interior design and architecture company MoreySmith, who designed the music company’s headquarters like a department store, giving each label, including RCA, Columbia Records and Ministry of Sound Records, its own distinct visual identity. The move to Kings Cross was part of a strategic decision to position the company at the heart of London’s creative tech hub. 

The 1,152 sq-m offices span six floors, with two prominent staircases in bright, open spaces to encourage interaction and include a communal rooftop, a live performance venue, a quiet study area / library, photography studios, audiovisual amenities and a double height café all of which are utilised by the company’s 900 employees.  

Engineers from System Five’s Service Team are looking forward to visiting this vibrant building once a month to ensure that their Trend Control Systems IQ Vision BEMS is operating at peak efficiency, keeping both staff, artists and visitors comfortable and healthy, alongside minimising energy use and associated costs.  

Photo: Billy Bolton